How CPAP Helps You to Sleep Better at Home and in Studio


If you are struggling to sleep, snore a lot, or find that you wake up because you’re struggling to breathe, then it could be that you are suffering from a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. This is a condition which means that you cannot breathe while you are asleep, because of pressure on your airways. You don’t notice the pressure when you are awake because it becomes an issue only when you are prone and your muscles are relaxed as you fall asleep.

Common signs

Common signs of obstructive sleep apnea include waking up with a headache, or feeling very tired when you wake up even though you were in bed for more than long enough that you would feel refreshed if you had gotten a good night’s sleep.

A CPAP machine can help with this. CPAP is the short form for “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.” The machine is a device which you wear at night when you go to bed. It includes a mask that covers your nose and mouth, and that will supply light air pressure, continuously, to help keep the airways open while you sleep. CPAP machines are used to help babies breathe if their lungs are not fully developed, and they are also used by adults who are suffering from very serious sleep apnea.


There are some downsides to using a CPAP. The machine can be noisy, and the constant airflow can leave you with dry airways, and feeling incredibly thirsty when you wake up. Because of this, the machines are not recommended for people who have only mild sleep apnea. There are other options, such as modifying your sleeping position or making relevant lifestyle changes such as stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption that can be much more effective. People who are overweight or obese may be asked to lose weight before being given a CPAP because excess weight can put pressure on the airways and make it harder to breathe.

For those whose sleep apnea is very serious, and who do not respond to other treatments or those who need more time for those treatments to work, a CPAP can be a very good option because it offers instant relief of the symptoms. The CPAP device does not treat the underlying cause, so it is recommended that those who could benefit from making lifestyle changes still work towards them so that they can avoid the need to depend on the CPAP for the rest of their lives.

Getting Used To

It can take a while to get used to the CPAP, and your doctor will work with you to find the best settings to ensure maximum comfort while you wear it. Some modern devices will start with low pressure, and then gradually increase the pressure throughout the night. This can be helpful for people who find that the CPAP is uncomfortable while they are awake. The high air pressure is important when you are sleeping because that is when your muscles relax and you need the airways to be supported properly.

If you would like to know more about CPAP machines and how they work, then you should talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. They will be able to advise you as to whether you would benefit from trying one. For many people, they can be the difference between a good night’s sleep and waking up feeling just as tired as before you went to bed. They can improve your mood, and help to improve your overall health. It’s a great idea to give a try as well and see if that imporves your sleep. You don’t realize what you have been missing out on, sleep-wise until you finally enjoy a night of deep sleep.

A Few Other Tips

  1. Find A Quiet Place To Sleep

Make sure your bedroom is very quiet when you are going to sleep. If you’re uncomfortable with absolute silence, you can try out some white noise machines to calm down your anxiety. On the other hand, if you live in a loud place, you can invest in earplugs or padding décor for your bedroom to drown out the noise.

Keep your bedroom dark and cool. If you maintain a consistently cool temperature in your bedroom, your body will thermoregulate when you are sleeping. When you keep the bedroom dark, you will keep it cool by blocking the heat coming from the sunlight. Automatically, your brain will assume it’s night time, and you can sleep comfortably.

If you live in an area with a lot of light, you should get an eye mask or blackout curtains for the best results. If you need to wake up to use the bathroom at night, don’t switch on the full light because it might make it hard for you to go back to sleep.

  1. Limit Your Screen Time Before Going To Bed

You might have a TV in your bedroom or keep your laptop or phone near you when going to sleep. You need to limit your screen time accordingly if you want to enjoy proper sleep. The light coming from these screens trick your mind that it’s daytime and it will be hard to get enough sleep. Note that, these screens use blue light that affects your sleep ability considerably. A good rule of thumb is using these devices at least one hour before going to bed.


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