How to eat dragon fruit

how to eat dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is a juicy and refreshing source of vitamins and nutrients. Dragon fruit is used to prepare juices, cocktails and wines. It can also be eaten raw.

Dragon fruit – vitamins and nutritional values

Dragon fruit is not only a fruit with an original appearance, but also a source of many nutrients and vitamins. Provides B vitamins and vitamin C. Dragon fruit pulp contains calcium, carotene, iron and phosphorus. Dragon fruit extract prevents premature skin aging. It is easily digestible and low in calories – there are 50 kcal in 100 g of fruit.

eating dragon fruit

How to eat dragon fruit

We often skip this fruit in stores, because many people don’t know how or what to eat it with. Fortunately, this is a very simple “to use” fruit: just cut it in half and remove the pulp with a teaspoon. You can also do it similarly to mango, i.e. after cutting in half, cut the pulp with a knife and check the dragon fruit skin to the other side, which gives us diced pulp. dragon fruit tastes best chilled, has a slightly melon flavor.

Dragon fruit has an oval shape and resembles a pear in size. It has a pink color with green scaly insets. There are also varieties of pink dragon fruit with pink flesh and yellow dragon fruit with a white center. The fruit has white flesh with many fine black stones. The pulp texture resembles kiwi pulp. dragon fruit is very juicy and refreshing, and its taste resembles a slightly sour combination of kiwi and gooseberry. The fruit can be eaten raw or as an addition to salads and cocktails. It is also used for the production of wine and juices.

It is increasingly used in confectionery as a cake decoration. It is easy to cut different shapes from dragon fruit pulp, which can be useful when creating beautiful fruit skewers or a fruit salad. Dragon fruit will also work as an ingredient in cocktails and smoothies. It can also decorate our porridge, jelly, pudding or millet.

Dragon fruit in diet 

Dragon fruit is worth incorporating into your daily diet, because its regular consumption has the following benefits:

  • positively affects the digestive system – fiber regulates our intestinal peristalsis and reduces the risk of colon cancer, but also prevents constipation, and thus the formation of hemorrhoids;
  • supports our immunity – solid amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants contained in dragon fruit are a known way to increase immunity;
  • has anti-cancer effects – we owe it to the antioxidants contained in vitamin C and carotene;
  • boosts metabolism – this is due to the digestive enzymes it contains, B vitamins, and water in the fruit;
  • protects the heart – large amounts of fiber absorb excess cholesterol and free fatty acids, reducing their levels in the blood, and antioxidants protect the heart;
  • prevents anemia – high content of iron and vitamin C facilitating its absorption will help us fight anemia;
  • supports in diabetes – dragon fruit regulates blood sugar;
  • anti-inflammatory – that’s why dragon fruit is recommended for people suffering from chronic inflammation, including RA.



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